
Then we will fight in the shade

And so it came to pass that I did stumble upon the trailer of the 300. It was by the gracefullness of motion, adorned by a speck of speech, that the beauty of it all took over me. For I said that I liked it and in time in its fullness I will take delight.
And that is all.


so, here we go again...

I purposefully did not post a couple of entries that I have written. It was just pointless in poluting the whatever-verse with such uselessness. Even for the sake of researching uselessness there are better samples. So, what is this and does it have a purpose for as far it was not evident. Well...
No, just a weekly report of what did and did not happes, made for the express purpose of keeping the blog alive with something new.
List of things that happened:
- my parents came to visit.
- my brother did finally meet with his girlfriend (or something).
- the weather worsened.
- I keep digging around the awful code of the brain-damaged coleague (he *MUST* be brain-damaged or he would not have written this... I really do not know what to call it).

List of things that did not happen:
- I did not manage to study during the past weekend.
- I did not receive my diploma (damn lazy university administration).
- I did not win the lottery - it's much harder to win when you do not play, but still...
- I did not do those backups I keep pushing myself to do.

Oh, and I did fall in grief for I successfully updated my old machine (adab) to gcc 4.1.1 and glibc 2.4 but one of my favourite apps does not compile (and the Internet has nothing on this particular problem), so I am going for going zen about it.

Have a nice day!


по дяволите!

Последната седмица не съм писал защото чета чужд код и съм покрусен от умишлената (а дали е умишлена?) некадърност, с която е написан. Събота и неделя едвам се посъвзех...

Всъщност започнах този пост по друг повод, но се отказах... засега. Ще видим дали в скоро време няма пак да се раздуха затлеялото огнище на проблема кой колко пари иска да му се дадат само защото е присвоил чужд мозъчен багаж.


вчера || yesterday

дет` се вика мързел. излежаване и успокоение на нервите. разглобих си единия вентилатор на компютъра, почисих го, смазах го и вече не бръмчи като излитащ хеликоптер. обнових си BIOS-а до последната налична версия, обаче пак не успях да си изключа вградената звукова карта. Gentoo-то проклето пак я вижда, въпреки че май не в него е вината. мъка. то поне да беше карта като карта, ами то... мъка. цял ден се стремих да не размишлявам и почти го постигнах. вечерта гледах на BBC филма за Леонардо да Винчи - от онези с вестник Капитал. е, па не ми `ареса. можеше повече съдържание да има и по-малко актьорска игра. явно ме е хванал вирусът на формализма.
ще видим днес какво ще е менюто...


as they call it - lazyness. lounging and relaxing the nerves. i did disassembled one of the fans on my computer, cleaned it, greased it and now it does not sound like a helikopter is taking off. i updated my BIOS to the latest available (but not the beta) and still i didn't succeed in disabling the built-in sound card. the bloody Gentoo still sees her, though it may not be his fault. torment. at least if it was a card like a card, it's... torment. the whole day i aimed
not to ponder over anything and still i succeeded in doing so... for the most part. in the evening i watched the BBC's documentary about Leonardo da Vinci (the one that was with the Capital newspaper). i did not like it. there could be more facts and less actors play there. seems like i cought the formalism virus.
we'll see whats on the menu today...



Много време мина, много неща се случиха. Предимно лоши. Но всички сложно вплетени едно в друго. Преди да ги разплета за себе си надали ще пиша за тях. В една дума: разочарование.