
beyond agile

Heard about agile programming? Well, do you know what is beyond agile? Yes, I can wait. But if you know the answer, it's not likely that you'll be reading this. Or anything for that matter. See, what I call fluid programming, is not for just about everyone. What is fluid programming - it's like being hit by a slice of lemon wrapped around a brick (courtesy to D. Adams) while chasing shadows in a pitch black labyrinth... blindfolded. What's with the blindfold in a pitch dark anywhere? Just take my word for it. And how shadows are being cast in a pitch black anywhere? Beats me. It's not so much like foretelling by throwing remnants of bones up in the air, but more like taking a guess on where did a sneeze went yesterday morning - the one sneeze you had last month, that is. Seems like my summer assignment in beans-foretelling missing values in a heap of Excel tables was the initiation into this endeavour. This everyday rewriting of a form of already quite complex logic. Trying to grasp a piece of infinity... Actually, with the proper amounts of humour it's bearable, but what happens when the supplies of humour are depleted? We'll find out in the next week's episode...

# written under the influence of Zoo York (by Paul Oakenfold), listened from a random video from video.google.com that used it as a background sound. those violins, those violins...